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Optimize your morning routine

We are a busy bunch of people. Never-ending to-do lists, meetings, the urge to get out to exercise and explore - all while maintaining a healthy balance. Especially in this day and age when activities that seemed normal and sometimes even fun, can be daunting and scary. It's easy to rush into the day and get overwhelmed before you even really wake up. Here's my morning routine to keep myself sane and start the day off on a positive note.

  • Make coffee. Enjoy that first cup of the day in bed or outside, calmly waking up and read a few pages of a book that inspires you.
  • Get ready. Look into the plans for the day, get dressed (at least the top half - Zoom meetings you know!), write down the Most Important Tasks (MIT) you'd like to accomplish. Healthy breakfast helps too.
  • Go! Fire up that computer, pour yourself another coffee and get stoked to get some work done. Plan your reward for when you have completed your MIT's. And just don't read the news...
Photo by @matthijsvanderven
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